Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
2,036 lines
; PMODE v2.1232 raw, DPMI, VCPI, & XMS compliant protected mode header.
; By Tran (a.k.a. Thomas Pytel) of Renaissance.
LOWMIN = 0 ; minimum free low memory (in K)
EXTMIN = 0 ; minimum free extended memory (in K)
STAKLEN = 500h ; stack size in para (keep below or = 1000h)
STAKSAFE = 20h ; safe stack space in para
code16 segment para public use16
code16 ends
code32 segment para public use32
code32 ends
codeend segment para stack use32 'stack'
codeend ends
; Real mode and 16bit code
code16 segment para public use16
assume cs:code16, ds:code16
org 0
; 16 bit common system data
errmsg0 db '386 or better not detected!!!',7,'$'
errmsg1 db 'Not enough low memory!!!',7,'$'
errmsg2 db 'This system is already in V86 mode!!!',7,'$'
errmsg3 db 'Not enough extended memory!!!',7,'$'
errmsg4 db 'Couldn''t enable A20 gate!!!',7,'$'
errmsg5 db 'Extended memory allocation failure. (weird eh???)',7,'$'
nullint db 0cfh ; IRET instruction
exitrout dw exit ; exit routine, modified if XMS, VCPI
savedstakoff dw ? ; current saved stack offset
savedstakseg dw ? ; current saved stack segment
; 16 bit common system code
intreal: ; real mode int, load FS and GS here
callreal: ; real mode call, load FS and GS here
push cs
push offset icreald
mov fs,cs:v86r_fs
mov gs,cs:v86r_gs
mov eax,cs:v86r_eax
mov ecx,cs:v86r_ecx
mov edx,cs:v86r_edx
mov ebx,cs:v86r_ebx
mov esi,cs:v86r_esi
mov edi,cs:v86r_edi
mov ebp,cs:v86r_ebp
icreal: ; real mode int, call, or IRQ
db 66h,68h ; PUSH destination addx
icrealm1 dd ? ;
icrealm0 db ? ; CLI or STI
icreald: ; done with real int or call
pop cs:v86r_flags
mov cs:v86r_eax,eax
mov cs:v86r_ecx,ecx
mov cs:v86r_edx,edx
mov cs:v86r_ebx,ebx
mov cs:v86r_esi,esi
mov cs:v86r_edi,edi
mov cs:v86r_ebp,ebp
mov cs:v86r_ds,ds
mov cs:v86r_es,es
mov cs:v86r_fs,fs
mov cs:v86r_gs,gs
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
icrealm2 label word ; return to pmode modifiable to JMP
mov ebx,ds:cp_savedstakoff ; DPMI return to pmode
mov dx,ds:dp_savedstaksel
mov edi,offset dp_int3_d
mov si,ds:_selcode
mov cx,dx
mov ax,ds:_seldata
jmp ds:d_switchaddx
VICREAL1D=(($-(icrealm2+2))shl 8)+0ebh
v_icreal1d: ; VCPI return to pmode from safe
mov edi,offset cp_int3_d
; EDI=offset to jump to in code32
v_switchtopmode: ; VCPI switch to pmode
mov ds:v_ss_dest,edi
mov esi,offset v_ss_cr3
add esi,ds:_code16a
mov ax,0de0ch
int 67h
CICREAL1D=(($-(icrealm2+2))shl 8)+0ebh
c_icreal1d: ; custom return to pmode from safe
mov edi,offset cp_int3_d
; EDI=offset in pmode to jump to
c_retpmode: ; reenter 32bit pmode
lgdt fword ptr c_gdt32addx ; set up pmode GDT and IDT
lidt fword ptr c_idt32addx
mov ds:gdt32task[5],89h ; set task as not busy
mov eax,cr0 ; switch to pmode
or al,1
mov cr0,eax
db 0eah
dw $+4,20h
mov ax,30h ; load task register
ltr ax
jmp c_gotopmode
if ($-(icrealm2+2)) gt 127
CICREAL0D=(($-(icrealm2+2))shl 8)+0ebh
c_icreal0d: ; return to pmode from normal
int 0ffh
int32: ; real mode INT32: EDX=off
push ds es fs gs
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov ds:p_cpmodem0,edx
mov al,[esp+45]
shr al,1
and al,1
add al,0fah
mov ds:p_cpmodem1,al
push savedstakoff
push savedstakseg
movzx ebx,ds:nextmodestack
lea eax,[ebx-STAKSAFE*16]
mov ds:nextmodestack,ax
add ebx,ds:realstackbase
mov savedstakseg,ss
int32m0 label word ; jump to pmode, modifiable
sub sp,ds:dp_savelen
mov savedstakoff,sp
mov ax,ss ; DPMI jump to pmode
mov es,ax
mov di,sp
xor al,al
call d_saveaddx
mov ax,ds:_seldata
mov cx,ax
mov dx,ax
mov edi,offset p_cpmode
mov si,ds:_selcode
jmp ds:d_switchaddx
VINT32=(($-(int32m0+2))shl 8)+0ebh
v_int32: ; VCPI call pmode
push ds:p_cpmodem2
mov ds:p_cpmodem2,VCPMODED
mov savedstakoff,sp
mov edi,offset p_cpmode1
jmp v_switchtopmode
if ($-(int32m0+2)) gt 127
CINT32=(($-(int32m0+2))shl 8)+0ebh
c_int32: ; raw/XMS call pmode
push ds:p_cpmodem2
mov ds:p_cpmodem2,CCPMODED
mov savedstakoff,sp
mov edi,offset p_cpmode1
jmp c_retpmode
int32d0: ; DPMI done with pmode call
mov di,sp
mov al,1
call d_saveaddx
add sp,ds:dp_savelen
int32d2: ; done from all
pop savedstakseg
pop savedstakoff
add ds:nextmodestack,STAKSAFE*16
mov bx,ds:v86r_flags
mov ax,[esp+44]
and ax,not 8d5h
and bx,8d5h
or ax,bx
mov [esp+44],ax
pop gs fs es ds
int32d1: ; VCPI done with pmode call
mov ss,savedstakseg
pop ds:p_cpmodem2
jmp int32d2
int32d3: ; raw/XMS done with pmode call
mov c_retreal0m0,offset c_sicreal
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
movzx esp,savedstakoff
mov ss,savedstakseg
pop ds:p_cpmodem2
jmp int32d2
chek_VCPI: ; Chek for VCPI
mov dx,offset v_emmname
mov ax,3d00h
int 21h
jc short chekVCPIa
mov bx,ax
mov ax,4400h
int 21h
jc short chekVCPIa
test dh,80h
jz short chekVCPIa
mov ax,4407h
int 21h
mov dl,al
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h
cmp dl,0FFh
jne short chekVCPIa
mov bx,1
mov ah,43h
int 67h
; or ah,ah
; jnz short chekVCPIa
mov v_emshandle,dx
mov ax,0de00h
int 67h
or ah,ah
jz short chekVCPId
mov ah,45h
int 67h
chek_processor: ; Detect if current processor 386
xor ah,ah
push ax
pop ax
and ah,0f0h
cmp ah,0f0h
je short detectno386
mov ah,0f0h
push ax
pop ax
and ah,0f0h
jz short detectno386
mov dx,offset errmsg0
jmp short exit16err
chek_V86: ; Chek if already in V86 mode
smsw ax
test al,1
mov dx,offset errmsg2
jnz short exit16err
pregetlomem: ; Get low memory or abort
add eax,ds:_lomembase
mov ebx,ds:_lomemtop
cmp eax,ebx
ja short pregetlomema
mov ecx,eax
xchg eax,ds:_lomembase
sub ebx,ecx
cmp ebx,LOWMIN*1024
jb short pregetlomema
mov dx,offset errmsg1
exit16err: ; Exit program with message
mov ah,9
int 21h
jmp exitrout
exit: ; Guess what???
mov ah,4ch
int 21h
start16: ; Program begins here
push cs
pop ds
call chek_processor ; is it at least a 386¿
mov ax,es ; set up a bunch of pointers
movzx eax,ax
shl eax,4
mov ds:_pspa,eax
mov eax,code16
shl eax,4
mov ds:_code16a,eax
or dword ptr ds:gdt32code16[2],eax
or dword ptr ds:gdt32data16[2],eax
mov ebx,code32
shl ebx,4
mov ds:_code32a,ebx
or dword ptr ds:gdt32code32[2],ebx
or dword ptr ds:gdt32data32[2],ebx
add dword ptr ds:c_gdt32addx[2],ebx
mov eax,codeend
shl eax,4
sub eax,ebx
mov ds:_lomembase,eax
mov ds:realstackbase,eax
movzx eax,word ptr es:[2]
shl eax,4
sub eax,ebx
mov ds:_lomemtop,eax
mov eax,STAKLEN*16 ; get stack memory
call pregetlomem
push es ; save PSP seg (DPMI chek kills ES)
pop fs
mov ax,1687h ; chek for DPMI
int 2fh
or ax,ax
jz d_start
call chek_VCPI ; chek for VCPI
jnc v_start
call chek_V86 ; chek for V86 mode
mov ax,4300h ; chek for XMS
int 2fh
cmp al,80h
je x_start
jmp c_start ; custom system start
enableA20: ; hardware enable gate A20
xor ax,ax
mov fs,ax
dec ax
mov gs,ax
call testA20
je short enableA20done
in al,92h ; PS/2 A20 enable
or al,2
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
out 92h,al
call testA20
je short enableA20done
call enableA20o1 ; AT A20 enable
jnz short enableA20wait
mov al,0d1h
out 64h,al
call enableA20o1
jnz short enableA20wait
mov al,0dfh
out 60h,al
push offset enableA20wait
mov ecx,20000h
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
jmp short $+2
in al,64h
test al,2
loopnz enableA20o1l
enableA20wait: ; wait for A20
mov al,36h
out 43h,al
xor al,al
out 40h,al
out 40h,al
mov cx,800h
call testA20
je enableA20done
in al,40h
in al,40h
mov ah,al
in al,40h
in al,40h
cmp al,ah
je enableA20waitl1
loop enableA20waitl0
mov dx,offset errmsg4
jmp exit16err
testA20: ; Test for enabled A20
mov al,fs:[0]
mov ah,al
not al
mov gs:[10h],al
cmp ah,fs:[0]
mov fs:[0],ah
; BL=low PIC val, BH=high PIC val
setintslots: ; set int nums in table to PIC vals
mov edi,offset ds:intslottbl
mov cl,8
mov [di],bl
inc di
inc bl
dec cl
jnz setintslotsl0
mov cl,8
mov [di],bh
inc di
inc bh
dec cl
jnz setintslotsl1
; 16 bit DPMI system data
d_errmsg0 db 'DPMI host is not 32bit!!!',7,'$'
d_errmsg1 db 'Ran out of DPMI descriptors!!!',7,'$'
d_errmsg2 db 'Couldn''t set DPMI descriptors as needed!!!',7,'$'
d_enterpmode dw ?,? ; DPMI switch to pmode addx
d_pspsel dw ? ; stupid PSP selector
d_oldenvsegsel dw ? ; stupid selector we dont want
d_switchaddx dd ? ; switch to pmode addx
d_saveaddx dd ? ; save/restore state addx
d_nintoff dd offset dp_irq0,offset dp_irq1,offset dp_irq2,offset dp_irq3
dd offset dp_irq4,offset dp_irq5,offset dp_irq6,offset dp_irq7
dd offset dp_irq8,offset dp_irq9,offset dp_irqa,offset dp_irqb
dd offset dp_irqc,offset dp_irqd,offset dp_irqe,offset dp_irqf
dd offset dp_int33,offset dp_int32,offset dp_int33,offset dp_int32
; 16 bit DPMI system code
d_retreal: ; Return to real mode
mov ax,205h ; restore all int vektorz needed
mov edi,19
mov bl,ds:intslottbl[edi]
lea ebp,[edi*2+edi]
mov edx,dword ptr ds:dp_ointbuf[ebp*2]
mov cx,word ptr ds:dp_ointbuf[ebp*2+4]
int 31h
sub di,1
jnc d_retreall0
jmp short d_exit
d_exit16err: ; DPMI Exit with error message
mov ds:v86r_ds,code16
mov ds:v86r_ah,9
mov ax,300h
mov bx,21h
xor cx,cx
mov edi,offset ds:v86r_edi
push ds
pop es
int 31h
d_exit: ; DPMI exit to real mode
mov es,d_pspsel ; restore env selector
mov ax,d_oldenvsegsel
mov es:[2ch],ax
jmp exit
d_start: ; Start in a crappy DPMI system
or ds:_sysbyte0,3 ; set system type DPMI byte
test bl,1 ; must be 32bit DPMI
mov dx,offset d_errmsg0
jz exit16err
mov d_enterpmode[0],di ; store enter addx
mov d_enterpmode[2],es
push word ptr fs:[2ch] ; preserve old env seg
movzx eax,si ; get mem for DPMI blok
shl eax,4
call pregetlomem
shr eax,4
add ax,code32
mov es,ax
mov ax,1 ; switch to pmode
call dword ptr d_enterpmode
cli ; I don't trust DPMI
mov dx,offset d_errmsg1
jc exit16err
mov ds:v86r_dx,dx ; prepare for abort maybe
pop ax ; swap old env seg with selector
xchg ax,es:[2ch]
mov d_oldenvsegsel,ax
mov d_pspsel,es ; store stupid selectors
mov ds:data16sel,ds
mov ds:code16sel,cs
mov ds:code16off,offset d_retreal ; set return to real mode addx
mov ds:_setirqvect,offset dp_setirqvect ; modify some crap
mov ds:_getirqvect,offset dp_getirqvect
push ds ; no more need for PSP
pop es
mov ax,3 ; get selector increment value
int 31h
mov bx,ax
xor ax,ax ; get 3 needed descriptors
mov cx,3
int 31h
jc d_exit16err
mov si,ax ; set up descriptors
mov ds:_selcode,ax
lea ecx,[eax+ebx]
mov ds:_seldata,cx
lea ebp,[ecx+ebx]
mov ds:_selzero,bp
mov ds:v86r_dx,offset d_errmsg2
mov ax,0ch ; set descriptors from GDT
mov bx,si
mov edi,offset ds:gdt32code32
or byte ptr [edi+5],60h
int 31h
jc d_exit16err
mov bx,cx
mov edi,offset ds:gdt32data32
or byte ptr [edi+5],60h
int 31h
jc d_exit16err
mov bx,bp
mov edi,offset ds:gdt32zero32
or byte ptr [edi+5],60h
int 31h
jc d_exit16err
mov es,cx ; ES, FS, and GS what they should be
mov fs,cx
mov gs,bp
mov edi,ds:_lomembase ; chek and get extended memory
mov eax,ds:_lomemtop
sub eax,edi
cmp eax,48
mov ds:v86r_dx,offset errmsg1
jb d_exit16err
mov ax,500h
int 31h
mov eax,es:[edi+14h]
cmp eax,-1
jne short d_startf0
mov eax,(EXTMIN+3) shr 2
shl eax,12
mov edx,eax
shr eax,10
cmp eax,EXTMIN
mov ds:v86r_dx,offset errmsg3
jb d_exit16err
or edx,edx
jz short d_startf1
mov cx,dx
shld ebx,edx,16
mov ax,501h
int 31h
mov ds:v86r_dx,offset errmsg5
jc d_exit16err
shl ebx,16
mov bx,cx
sub ebx,ds:_code32a
mov ds:_himembase,ebx
add ebx,edx
mov ds:_himemtop,ebx
mov ax,305h ; get save/restore state addxs
int 31h
mov ds:dp_savelen,ax
mov dword ptr ds:dp_saveaddx[0],edi
mov word ptr ds:dp_saveaddx[4],si
mov word ptr d_saveaddx[0],cx
mov word ptr d_saveaddx[2],bx
mov ax,306h ; get switch mode addxs
int 31h
mov dword ptr ds:dp_switchaddx[0],edi
mov word ptr ds:dp_switchaddx[4],si
mov word ptr d_switchaddx[0],cx
mov word ptr d_switchaddx[2],bx
mov ax,400h ; set IRQ handlers to PIC values
int 31h
xchg dl,dh
mov bx,dx
call setintslots
mov ah,2 ; backup and set all int vektorz
mov si,ds:_selcode
mov edi,19
mov bl,ds:intslottbl[edi]
mov al,4
int 31h
lea ebp,[edi*2+edi]
mov dword ptr ds:dp_ointbuf[ebp*2],edx
mov word ptr ds:dp_ointbuf[ebp*2+4],cx
mov al,5
mov edx,d_nintoff[edi*4]
mov cx,si
int 31h
sub di,1
jnc d_startl0
mov ax,es ; set up needed regs & go on to 32bit
mov ss,ax
add esp,ds:realstackbase
mov ds,ax
push dword ptr cs:_selcode
push offset p_start
db 66h,0cbh ; 32bit RETF
; 16bit VCPI system data
v_errmsg0 db 'Incompatible VCPI PIC mappings!!!',7,'$'
v_emmname db 'EMMXXXX0',0 ; EMS device name
v_emshandle dw ? ; one page allocated to turn on
v_pagedirseg dw ? ; seg of page directory
v_pagebase dw 0 ; first page of himem (*4)+1000h
v_pagetop dw 0 ; top page of himem (*4)+1000h
v_ss_cr3 dd ? ; new CR3 for pmode (physical)
v_ss_gdtaddxptr dw c_gdt32addx,0 ; ptr to GDT data for pmode
v_ss_idtaddxptr dw c_idt32addx,0 ; ptr to IDT data for pmode
v_ss_ldtsel dw 0 ; don't need no stinkin LDTs
v_ss_trsel dw 30h ; task state segment selector
v_ss_dest dd ? ; start in pmode EIP
dw 20h ; start in pmode CS
; 16bit VCPI system code
v_retreal: ; VCPI return to real mode
movzx edi,exitrout
mov esi,esp
sub esi,ds:realstackbase
mov cx,code16
; EDI=offset to jump to, ESI=real mode stack ptr, CX=real mode DS
v_retreal0: ; VCPI go to real mode
sub esp,8
push ecx
push dword ptr ds:v86r_es
dw 06866h,codeend,0 ; PUSH dword codeend
push esi
dw 06866h,code16,0 ; PUSH dword code16
push edi
mov ax,gs
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0de0ch
call cs:vp_vcpipmentry
v_exit2: ; VCPI exit (clean up pages)
mov es,v_pagedirseg
mov si,v_pagebase
mov cx,v_pagetop
sub cx,si
jz short v_exit
mov edx,es:[si]
and dx,0f000h
mov ax,0de05h
int 67h
add si,4
sub cx,4
jnz v_exit2l0
v_exit: ; VCPI exit (clean up EMS page)
mov ah,45h
mov dx,v_emshandle
int 67h
jmp exit
v_exiterr1: ; VCPI not enough low mem exit
mov dx,offset errmsg1
jmp exit16err
v_start: ; start continues from VCPI
or ds:_sysbyte0,2 ; set system type VCPI byte
mov ds:code16off,offset v_retreal ; VCPI return to real mode
mov c_idt32handler[48h],offset vp_int33 ; VCPI safe int handlers
mov c_idt32handler[4ch],offset vp_int32
mov ds:cp_v86irqintr[4],offset vp_int33f0 ; VCPI IRQ safe int routine
mov int32m0,VINT32 ; VCPI real INT32
mov exitrout,offset v_exit ; set EMS cleanup exit
mov ax,0de0ah ; get PIC mappings
int 67h
mov bh,cl
mov dx,offset v_errmsg0 ; chek for compatible PIC mapping
cmp bl,bh
je exit16err
cmp bl,30h
je exit16err
cmp bh,30h
je exit16err
mov ax,70h ; compatible, get highest needed num
cmp al,bl
ja short v_startf1
mov al,bl
cmp al,bh
ja short v_startf2
mov al,bh
add al,7
mov c_numofintvects,al
lea eax,[eax*8+7] ; set limit of IDT
mov c_idt32addx,ax
call setintslots ; set int slots needed
movzx eax,ax
add eax,2068h+1
call pregetlomem ; allocate TSS, IO bitmap, and IDT
mov ds:cp_tssesp0ptr,eax
mov eax,ds:_code16a ; adjust mode switch structure
add dword ptr v_ss_gdtaddxptr,eax
add dword ptr v_ss_idtaddxptr,eax
mov exitrout,offset v_exit2 ; set VCPI cleanup exit
mov eax,ds:_lomembase ; align lomem base on a page
mov ebx,ds:_code32a
add ebx,eax
lea ecx,[ebx+0fffh]
and ecx,0fffff000h
sub ebx,ecx
sub eax,ebx
mov ds:_lomembase,eax
mov ebp,ds:_lomemtop ; get available low memory
sub ebp,eax
sub ebp,LOWMIN*1024 ; die if not enough
jc v_exiterr1
cmp ebp,8192
jb v_exiterr1
shld eax,ecx,28 ; get segment and clear all pages
mov v_pagedirseg,ax
mov es,ax
xor di,di
mov cx,2048
xor eax,eax
rep stos dword ptr es:[di]
mov di,1000h ; get VCPI pmode interface
mov esi,offset ds:gdt32vcpi
mov ax,0de01h
int 67h
mov dword ptr ds:vp_vcpipmentry,ebx
mov v_pagebase,di ; set up and go through allocation
mov v_pagetop,di
movzx eax,di
sub eax,1000h
shl eax,10
mov ebp,ds:_code32a
sub eax,ebp
mov ds:_himembase,eax
mov ebx,8192
mov ax,0de04h
int 67h
or ah,ah
jnz short v_startl2d
test di,0fffh
jnz short v_startf4
add ebx,4096
cmp ebx,ebp
ja v_exiterr1
and dx,0f000h
or dl,7
mov es:[di],edx
add di,4
jnc v_startl2
mov v_pagetop,di
lea si,[di-1000h]
movzx eax,si
shl eax,10
sub eax,ebp ; EBP=_code32a
mov ds:_himemtop,eax
sub di,v_pagebase
cmp di,EXTMIN
mov dx,offset errmsg3
jb exit16err
add ds:_lomembase,ebx
movzx ebx,v_pagedirseg ; set up physical addresses
shr ebx,8
mov eax,es:[ebx*4+1000h]
mov v_ss_cr3,eax
xor di,di
inc ebx
mov eax,es:[ebx*4+1000h]
and ax,0f000h
or al,7
stos dword ptr es:[di]
sub si,1000h
ja v_startl3
mov edi,offset c_startf1 ; offset to jump to in pmode
mov ebx,ds:cp_tssesp0ptr
jmp v_switchtopmode ; duh?
; 16 bit XMS system data
x_calladdx dd ? ; XMS driver addx
x_handle dw ? ; XMS handle of extended memory
; 16 bit XMS system code
x_exit: ; XMS exit (clean up allocation)
mov ax,cs
mov ds,ax
mov dx,x_handle
mov ah,0dh
call x_calladdx
mov ah,0ah
call x_calladdx
jmp exit
x_exiterr5: ; exit with error message 5
mov dx,offset errmsg5
jmp exit16err
x_start: ; start in an XMS system
or ds:_sysbyte0,1 ; set system type XMS byte
mov ax,4310h ; get XMS driver addx
int 2fh
mov word ptr x_calladdx[0],bx
mov word ptr x_calladdx[2],es
mov ah,3 ; XMS enable A20
call x_calladdx
or ax,ax
mov dx,offset errmsg4
jz exit16err
mov ah,8 ; chek and get extended memory
call x_calladdx
sub ax,64
jnc short x_startf0
xor ax,ax
cmp ax,EXTMIN
mov dx,offset errmsg3
jb exit16err
mov dx,ax
movzx ecx,ax
shl ecx,10
mov ah,9
call x_calladdx
or ax,ax
jz x_exiterr5
mov x_handle,dx
mov exitrout,offset x_exit
mov ah,0ch
call x_calladdx
or ax,ax
jz x_exiterr5
shrd eax,edx,16
mov ax,bx
sub eax,ds:_code32a
mov ds:_himembase,eax
add eax,ecx
mov ds:_himemtop,eax
jmp c_startf0 ; go on to custom start
; 16 bit custom system data
c_idt16addx dw 3ffh, 0,0 ; default real mode IDT addx&limit
c_idt32addx dw 3bfh, ?,? ; 32bit IDT addx&limit
c_gdt32addx dw 04fh ; 32bit GDT addx&limit
dd offset gdt32 ;
c_numofintvects db 77h ; number of int vects needed -1
c_idt32handler dd offset cp_irq0,offset cp_irq1,offset cp_irq2,offset cp_irq3
dd offset cp_irq4,offset cp_irq5
dd offset cp_irq6,offset cp_irq7,offset cp_irq8,offset cp_irq9
dd offset cp_irqa,offset cp_irqb
dd offset cp_irqc,offset cp_irqd,offset cp_irqe,offset cp_irqf
dd offset cp_int35,offset cp_int34,offset cp_int33,offset cp_int32,offset cp_int31
dd offset cp_exc0,offset cp_exc1,offset cp_exc2,offset cp_exc3
dd offset cp_exc4,offset cp_exc5
dd offset cp_exc6,offset cp_exc7,offset cp_exc8,offset cp_exc9
dd offset cp_exca,offset cp_excb
dd offset cp_excc,offset cp_excd,offset cp_exce
; 16 bit custom system code
c_irqreal: ; real mode IRQ
push cs
push offset icreald2
jmp icreal
c_retreal1: ; load some real mode stuff & exit
mov ax,codeend
mov ss,ax
mov esp,STAKLEN*10h
jmp exitrout
c_retreal0: ; load real mode IDT and set PE=0
mov ax,28h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,ax
mov ss,ax
lidt fword ptr c_idt16addx
mov eax,cr0
and al,0feh
mov cr0,eax
db 0eah ; JMP FAR PTR c_retreal0m0
c_retreal0m0 dw c_sicreal,code16
c_sicreal: ; safe real mode int or call
mov ax,codeend
mov ss,ax
mov ds,cs:v86r_ds
mov es,cs:v86r_es
db 0eah ; JMP FAR PTR c_sicrealm0
c_sicrealm0 dw ?,code16;
c_retreal: ; return to real mode
mov c_retreal0m0,offset c_retreal1
mov esp,STAKLEN*10h
jmp c_retreal0
c_start: ; custom only start
call enableA20 ; enable that stupid A20 thingy
mov ah,88h ; chek and get extended mem
int 15h
cmp ax,EXTMIN
mov dx,offset errmsg3
jb exit16err
movzx eax,ax
shl eax,10
mov ebx,100000h
sub ebx,ds:_code32a
mov ds:_himembase,ebx
add eax,ebx
mov ds:_himemtop,eax
c_startf0: ; start continues from custom or XMS
mov int32m0,CINT32 ; raw/XMS real INT32
mov eax,2428h ; allocate TSS, IO bitmap, and IDT
call pregetlomem
mov ebx,eax
lgdt fword ptr c_gdt32addx ; switch to pmode
mov eax,cr0
or al,1
mov cr0,eax
db 0eah
dw $+4,20h
c_startf1: ; in 16bit pmode
mov ax,28h ; set up segregs
mov ds,ax
mov al,18h
mov gs,ax
mov al,10h
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov ss,ax
mov esp,STAKLEN*16
add esp,ds:realstackbase
mov word ptr v_ss_dest[4],8 ; VCPI enter 32bit pmode from now on
lea eax,[ebx+4] ; addx of ESP0 in TSS
mov ds:cp_tssesp0ptr,eax
mov ebp,ds:_code32a ; TSS location in mem to GDT
lea eax,[ebx+ebp]
mov ecx,offset ds:gdt32task ; set up task
or dword ptr ds:[ecx+2],eax
mov byte ptr ds:[ecx+5],89h
mov cx,30h
ltr cx
add eax,2068h ; set up IDT
mov ecx,offset c_idt32addx
mov dword ptr [ecx+2],eax
lidt fword ptr [ecx]
mov dword ptr es:[ebx+8],10h ; set up TSS stuff (EBX->TSS)
mov edi,104
mov es:[ebx+102],di
mov word ptr es:[ebx+100],0
add edi,ebx ; fill IO bitmap with 0
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,800h
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
mov ds:cp_idt32ptr,edi ; set up blank IDT entries
movzx esi,c_numofintvects
mov dword ptr es:[edi+esi*8],80000h+offset cp_excf
mov dword ptr es:[edi+esi*8+4],8e00h
sub si,1
jnc c_startl0
mov si,23h ; necessary IDT entries
movzx ebp,ds:intslottbl[esi]
mov eax,c_idt32handler[esi*4]
cmp bp,13
jne short c_startl1c
mov ds:cp_int13vect,eax
mov eax,offset cp_excd
mov es:[edi+ebp*8],ax
sub si,1
jnc c_startl1
mov edi,offset p_start ; set up regs & go on to 32bit
mov ax,10h
mov ds,ax
c_gotopmode: ; jump to 32bit pmode
pushfd ; set eflags: NT=0, IOPL=3
pop eax
and ah,0bfh
or ah,30h
push eax
dw 6866h,8,0 ; PUSH dword 8
push edi
db 66h,0cbh ; 32bit RETF
code16 ends
; 32bit pmode code
code32 segment para public use32
assume cs:code32, ds:code32
org 0
extrn _main:near
public _exit, _ret, _getmem, _getlomem, _gethimem, _lomemsize, _himemsize
public _getirqmask, _setirqmask
public v86r_eax, v86r_ebx, v86r_ecx, v86r_edx, v86r_esi, v86r_edi, v86r_ebp
public v86r_ax, v86r_bx, v86r_cx, v86r_dx, v86r_si, v86r_di, v86r_bp
public v86r_al, v86r_ah, v86r_bl, v86r_bh, v86r_cl, v86r_ch, v86r_dl, v86r_dh
public v86r_ds, v86r_es, v86r_fs, v86r_gs
public _selcode, _seldata, _selzero, _lomembase, _lomemtop, _himembase
public _himemtop, _pspa, _code16a, _code32a, _getirqvect, _setirqvect
public _sysbyte0, _irqmode
; 32 bit common system data
_lomembase dd ? ; low mem base for allocation
_lomemtop dd ? ; top of low mem
_himembase dd 0 ; high mem base for allocation
_himemtop dd 0 ; top of high mem
_pspa dd ? ; offset of start of PSP from 0
_code16a dd ? ; offset of start of 16bit code from 0
_code32a dd ? ; offset of start of 32bit code from 0
_selcode dw 8 ; code segment selector
_seldata dw 10h ; data segment alias for code
_selzero dw 18h ; data segment starting at 0:0
_irqmode dw 0ffffh ; IRQ mode bits: 0=normal, 1=safe
db 0ffh ; misc byte, has to follow _irqmode
_sysbyte0 db 0 ; system bits:
; 0-1: 0=raw, 1=XMS, 2=VCPI, 3=DPMI
_getirqvect dd cp_getirqvect ; get IRQ handler offset routine addx
_setirqvect dd cp_setirqvect ; set IRQ handler offset routine addx
gdt32 dq 0
gdt32code32 db 0ffh,0ffh,0,0,0,9ah,0cfh,0
gdt32data32 db 0ffh,0ffh,0,0,0,92h,0cfh,0
gdt32zero32 db 0ffh,0ffh,0,0,0,92h,0cfh,0
gdt32code16 db 0ffh,0ffh,0,0,0,9ah,0,0
gdt32data16 db 0ffh,0ffh,0,0,0,92h,0,0
gdt32task db 0ffh,0ffh,0,0,0,89h,0,0
gdt32vcpi dq 3 dup(?)
v86r_edi label dword ; vregs for pmode<>real communication
v86r_di dw ?, ? ; needz to stay this way cuz its a
v86r_esi label dword ; stupid DPMI structure thingy
v86r_si dw ?, ?
v86r_ebp label dword
v86r_bp dw ?, ?
dd 0
v86r_ebx label dword
v86r_bx label word
v86r_bl db ?
v86r_bh db ?, ?,?
v86r_edx label dword
v86r_dx label word
v86r_dl db ?
v86r_dh db ?, ?,?
v86r_ecx label dword
v86r_cx label word
v86r_cl db ?
v86r_ch db ?, ?,?
v86r_eax label dword
v86r_ax label word
v86r_al db ?
v86r_ah db ?, ?,?
v86r_flags dw ?
v86r_es dw ?
v86r_ds dw ?
v86r_fs dw ?
v86r_gs dw ?
dd 0,0
oint1bvect dd ? ; old real int 1bh vektor (ctrl+break)
oint32vect dd ? ; old real int 32h vector
oirqmask dw ? ; old port 21h and 0a1h masks
intslottbl db 8,9,0ah,0bh,0ch,0dh,0eh,0fh,70h,71h,72h,73h,74h,75h,76h,77h
db 35h,34h,33h,32h,31h,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0ah,0bh,0ch,0dh,0eh
code16off dw c_retreal ; offset in 16bit of exit function
code16sel dw 20h ; 16bit pmode code selector
data16sel dw 28h ; 16bit pmode data selector
nextmodestack dw (STAKLEN-STAKSAFE)*16 ; stack for next mode switch
realstackbase dd ? ; linear ptr to beginning of codeend
; 32 bit common system code
p_cpmode2: ; call pmode from V86
mov gs,cx
mov cl,10h
mov ds,cx
mov es,cx
mov fs,cx
sub nextmodestack,STAKSAFE*16
push p_cpmodem2
mov p_cpmodem2,V86CPMODED
mov eax,[esp+22]
mov p_cpmodem0,eax
mov al,[esp+43]
shr al,1
and al,1
add al,0fah
mov p_cpmodem1,al
jmp short p_cpmode
p_cpmode1: ; call pmode, load all
mov esp,ebx
mov ax,10h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov ss,ax
p_cpmode0: ; call pmode, load FS and GS
mov fs,_seldata
mov gs,_selzero
p_cpmode: ; call pmode routine from real
push offset p_cpmoded
mov eax,v86r_eax
mov ecx,v86r_ecx
mov edx,v86r_edx
mov ebx,v86r_ebx
mov esi,v86r_esi
mov edi,v86r_edi
mov ebp,v86r_ebp
db 68h ; PUSH destination address
p_cpmodem0 dd ? ;
p_cpmodem1 db ? ; CLI or STI
p_cpmoded: ; call to pmode done
pop v86r_flags
mov v86r_eax,eax
mov v86r_ecx,ecx
mov v86r_edx,edx
mov v86r_ebx,ebx
mov v86r_esi,esi
mov v86r_edi,edi
mov v86r_ebp,ebp
mov ecx,_code16a
p_cpmodem2 label word ; return to real, modifiable to JMP
movzx ebx,gs:savedstakoff[ecx] ; DPMI return to real mode
mov dx,gs:savedstakseg[ecx]
mov ax,code16
mov cx,dx
mov si,ax
mov edi,offset int32d0
jmp dp_switchaddx
VCPMODED=(($-(p_cpmodem2+2))shl 8)+0ebh
p_cpmoded2: ; VCPI done with pmode
movzx esi,gs:savedstakoff[ecx]
mov cx,code16
mov edi,offset int32d1
db 0eah ; 16bit JMP FAR 20h:v_retreal0
dw v_retreal0,0,20h ;
CCPMODED=(($-(p_cpmodem2+2))shl 8)+0ebh
p_cpmoded3: ; raw/XMS done with pmode
mov gs:c_retreal0m0[ecx],offset int32d3
db 0eah ; 16bit JMP FAR 20h:c_retreal0
dw c_retreal0,0,20h ;
if ($-(p_cpmodem2+2)) gt 127
V86CPMODED=(($-(p_cpmodem2+2))shl 8)+0ebh
p_cpmoded4: ; V86 done with pmode
pop p_cpmodem2
jmp cp_int3_d3
p_start: ; common 32bit start
mov eax,gs:[1bh*4] ; neutralize crtl+break
mov oint1bvect,eax
db 65h,67h,0c7h,6 ; MOV DWORD PTR GS:[1bh*4],code16:nullint
dw 1bh*4,nullint,code16 ;
mov eax,gs:[32h*4] ; set up for new real mode INT32
mov oint32vect,eax
db 65h,67h,0c7h,6 ; MOV DWORD PTR GS:[32h*4],code16:int32
dw 32h*4,int32,code16 ;
in al,21h ; save old PIC masks
mov ah,al
in al,0a1h
mov oirqmask,ax
jmp _main ; go to main code
; Allocate any mem, (first cheks low, then high)
; In:
; EAX - size requested
; Out:
; CF=0 - memory allocated
; CF=1 - not enough mem
; EAX - linear pointer to mem or ?
push eax
call _getlomem
jnc short getmemd
pop eax
jmp short _gethimem
add esp,4
_ret: ; generic RET instruction
; Allocate some low mem
; In:
; EAX - size requested
; Out:
; CF=0 - memory allocated
; CF=1 - not enough mem
; EAX - linear pointer to mem or ?
add eax,_lomembase
cmp eax,_lomemtop
ja short getmemerr
xchg eax,_lomembase
; Allocate some high mem
; In:
; EAX - size requested
; Out:
; CF=0 - memory allocated
; CF=1 - not enough mem
; EAX - linear pointer to mem or ?
add eax,_himembase
cmp eax,_himemtop
ja short getmemerr
xchg eax,_himembase
; Get amount of free low mem
; Out:
; EAX - number of bytes free
mov eax,_lomemtop
sub eax,_lomembase
; Get amount of free high mem
; Out:
; EAX - number of bytes free
mov eax,_himemtop
sub eax,_himembase
; Get status of IRQ mask bit
; In:
; BL - IRQ num (0-15)
; Out:
; AL - status: 0=enabled, 1=disabled
push ax
in al,0a1h
mov ah,al
in al,21h
xchg cl,bl
shr ax,cl
xchg cl,bl
and al,1
mov [esp],al
pop ax
; Set status of IRQ mask bit
; In:
; BL - IRQ num (0-15)
; AL - status: 0=enabled, 1=disabled
push ax bx cx dx
mov cl,bl
mov bx,0fffeh
movzx dx,al
rol bx,cl
shl dx,cl
in al,0a1h
mov ah,al
in al,21h
and ax,bx
or ax,dx
out 21h,al
mov al,ah
out 0a1h,al
pop dx cx bx ax
; Exit to real mode
mov eax,oint1bvect ; restore ctrl+break
mov gs:[1bh*4],eax
mov eax,oint32vect ; restore real mode int 32h vector
mov gs:[32h*4],eax
mov ax,oirqmask ; restore PIC masks
out 0a1h,al
mov al,ah
out 21h,al
push code16sel ; go to 16bit pmode exit code
push code16off
mov ds,data16sel
db 66h,0cbh ; 16bit RETF
; 32 bit DPMI system data
dp_switchaddx df ? ; switch to real mode addx
dp_saveaddx df ? ; save/restore state addx
dp_savelen dw 0,0 ; length of state buffer
dp_savedstaksel dw ? ; current saved stack selector
dp_ointbuf df 20 dup(?) ; saved interrupt addx buffer
; 32 bit DPMI system code
dp_int32: ; DPMI INT32/34: CX:DX=seg:off
shl ecx,16
mov cx,dx
mov bp,offset callreal
mov dl,1
jmp short dp_int3_
dp_int33: ; DPMI INT33/35: AL=int num
movzx eax,al
mov ecx,gs:[eax*4]
mov bp,offset intreal
xor dl,dl
dp_int3_: ; DPMI int or call to real mode
mov ax,900h
int 31h
push ax
and al,dl
add al,0fah
mov ebx,_code16a
mov gs:icrealm0[ebx],al
mov gs:icrealm1[ebx],ecx
push cp_savedstakoff
push dp_savedstaksel
movzx ebx,nextmodestack
lea eax,[ebx-STAKSAFE*16]
mov nextmodestack,ax
mov ax,ss
mov es,ax
sub esp,dword ptr dp_savelen
mov edi,esp
xor al,al
call dp_saveaddx
mov cp_savedstakoff,esp
mov dp_savedstaksel,ss
mov dx,codeend
mov ax,v86r_ds
mov cx,v86r_es
movzx edi,bp
mov si,code16
jmp dp_switchaddx
dp_int3_d: ; done with real mode int or call
mov edi,esp
mov al,1
call dp_saveaddx
add esp,dword ptr dp_savelen
pop dp_savedstaksel
pop cp_savedstakoff
add nextmodestack,STAKSAFE*16
mov bx,v86r_flags
pop ax
int 31h
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,_selzero
jmp cp_int3_d2
; DPMI IRQ redirectors (needed to make all IRQ vector selectors = CS)
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[0]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[6]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[12]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[18]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[24]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[30]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[36]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[42]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[48]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[54]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[60]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[66]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[72]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[78]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[84]
jmp cs:dp_ointbuf[90]
; DPMI get IRQ handler offset
; In:
; BL - IRQ num (0-0fh)
; Out:
; EDX - offset of IRQ handler
push ax ebx cx
movzx ebx,bl
mov bl,intslottbl[ebx]
mov ax,204h
int 31h
pop cx ebx ax
; DPMI set IRQ handler offset
; In:
; BL - IRQ num (0-0fh)
; EDX - offset of IRQ handler
push ax ebx cx
movzx ebx,bl
mov bl,intslottbl[ebx]
mov cx,cs
mov ax,205h
int 31h
pop cx ebx ax
; 32 bit custom/XMS/VCPI system data
vp_vcpipmentry df 3800000000h ; VCPI entry point in pmode
cp_tssesp0ptr dd 0 ; ptr to ESP0 in TSS, or null in VCPI
cp_idt32ptr dd ? ; ptr to 32bit IDT
cp_int13vect dd 0 ; interrupt vektor 13 ptr
cp_validirqesp dd 0 ; valid IRQ ESP value for exc 13
cp_v86irqintr dd cp_int35f1,cp_int33f0 ; IRQ int call routines
cp_v86irqnum db ? ; IRQ num for V86 mode
cp_v86irqmode db ? ; IRQ mode for V86 mode (safe/norm)
cp_savedstakoff dd ? ; current saved stack offset
; 32 bit custom/XMS/VCPI system code
cp_int31: ; INT 31h: AX=900h,901h,902h
cmp al,1
mov al,[esp+9]
jb short cp_int31f0
ja short cp_int31f1
or byte ptr [esp+9],2
jmp short cp_int31f1
and byte ptr [esp+9],0fdh
shr al,1
and al,1
vp_int32: ; VCPI INT 32h: safe CX:DX=seg:off
mov ebp,offset callreal
mov si,VICREAL1D
mov bl,2
jmp short cp_int34f0
vp_int33: ; VCPI INT 33h: safe AL=int num
mov ebp,offset intreal
mov si,VICREAL1D
mov bl,2
jmp short cp_int35f0
cp_int32: ; INT 32h: safe CX:DX=seg:off
mov ebp,offset callreal
mov si,CICREAL1D
mov bl,1
jmp short cp_int34f0
cp_int33: ; INT 33h: safe AL=int num
mov ebp,offset intreal
mov si,CICREAL1D
mov bl,1
jmp short cp_int35f0
cp_int34: ; INT 34h: normal CX:DX=seg:off
mov ebp,offset callreal
mov si,CICREAL0D
xor bl,bl
shl ecx,16
mov cx,dx
mov bh,1
jmp short cp_int3_
cp_int35: ; INT 35h: normal AL=int num
mov ebp,offset intreal
mov si,CICREAL0D
xor bl,bl
movzx eax,al
mov ecx,gs:[eax*4]
xor bh,bh
cp_int3_: ; int or call to real mode
mov edi,[esp+40]
shld eax,edi,23
and al,bh
add al,0fah
mov edx,_code16a
mov gs:icrealm0[edx],al
mov gs:icrealm1[edx],ecx
xchg gs:icrealm2[edx],si
push si
movzx esi,nextmodestack
lea eax,[esi-STAKSAFE*16]
mov nextmodestack,ax
add eax,realstackbase
mov edx,cp_tssesp0ptr
push dword ptr [edx]
mov [edx],eax
sub eax,36
push cp_validirqesp
mov cp_validirqesp,eax
push cp_savedstakoff
mov cp_savedstakoff,esp
cmp bl,1
jb short cp_int3_n
ja short vp_int3_s
cp_int3_s: ; safe real mode int or call
mov edx,_code16a
mov gs:c_sicrealm0[edx],bp
mov esp,esi
db 0eah ; 16bit JMP FAR 20h:c_retreal0
dw c_retreal0,0,20h ;
vp_int3_s: ; safe VCPI real mode int or call
mov edi,ebp
mov cx,v86r_ds
mov ax,28h
mov ds,ax
db 0eah ; 16bit JMP FAR 20h:v_retreal0
dw v_retreal0,0,20h ;
cp_int3_n: ; normal real mode int or call
sub esp,8
push dword ptr v86r_ds
push dword ptr v86r_es
db 68h ; 32bit PUSH codeend
dd codeend ;
push esi
or edi,20000h
and di,0fdffh
push edi
db 68h ; 32bit PUSH code16
dd code16 ;
push ebp
cp_int3_d: ; done with real mode int or call
mov ax,18h
mov gs,ax
mov ax,10h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov ss,ax
mov esp,cp_savedstakoff
pop cp_savedstakoff
pop cp_validirqesp
mov ebx,cp_tssesp0ptr
pop dword ptr [ebx]
mov ebx,_code16a
pop gs:icrealm2[ebx]
cp_int3_d3: ; done from real mode pmode call
add nextmodestack,STAKSAFE*16
mov bx,v86r_flags
cp_int3_d2: ; done from DPMI also
mov ax,[esp+40]
and ax,not 8d5h
and bx,8d5h
or ax,bx
mov [esp+40],ax
cp_excd: ; general protection violation
cmp esp,cs:cp_validirqesp ; source an IRQ or exception¿
jne short cp_excdf0
jmp cs:cp_int13vect
test byte ptr [esp+14],2 ; exception, from V86?
jnz short cp_excdv86
pushad ; nope, pmode exception
mov al,0dh
jmp cp_exc
cp_excdv86: ; violation from V86 mode
add esp,4
mov cx,18h
mov ds,cx
movzx ebx,word ptr [esp+36]
shl ebx,4
add ebx,[esp+32]
inc word ptr [esp+32]
mov al,[ebx]
mov edx,3
cmp al,0cch
je short cp_v86int
mov dl,4
cmp al,0ceh
je short cp_v86int
inc word ptr [esp+32]
mov dl,[ebx+1]
cmp dl,32h
je p_cpmode2
cmp dl,0ffh
je cp_int3_d
cp_v86int: ; need to simulate a real mode int
movzx ebx,word ptr [esp+48]
shl ebx,4
sub word ptr [esp+44],6
add ebx,[esp+44]
mov ax,[esp+40]
mov [ebx+4],ax
and ah,0fch
mov [esp+41],ah
mov ax,[esp+36]
mov [ebx+2],ax
mov ax,[esp+32]
mov [ebx],ax
mov eax,[edx*4]
mov [esp+32],ax
shr eax,16
mov [esp+36],ax
; all exceptions except 0dh. all are terminal, others are redirected.
push eax
mov ax,1000h
jmp cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,1001h
jmp cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,1002h
jmp cp_irq
mov al,3
jmp short cp_exc
mov al,4
jmp short cp_exc
push eax
mov ax,1005h
jmp cp_irq
mov al,6
jmp short cp_exc
push eax
mov ax,1007h
jmp cp_irq
mov al,8
jmp short cp_exc
mov al,9
jmp short cp_exc
mov al,0ah
jmp short cp_exc
mov al,0bh
jmp short cp_exc
mov al,0ch
jmp short cp_exc
mov al,0eh
jmp short cp_exc
mov al,0ffh
cp_exc: ; main exception handler
mov ax,10h
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov fs,ax
mov gs,_selzero
jmp _exit
; IRQ redirector between modes
push eax
mov ax,0008h
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,0109h
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,020ah
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,030bh
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,040ch
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,050dh
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,060eh
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,070fh
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,0870h
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,0971h
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,0a72h
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,0b73h
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,0c74h
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,0d75h
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,0e76h
jmp short cp_irq
push eax
mov ax,0f77h
cp_irq: ; main IRQ handler thingy
mov ss:cp_v86irqnum,al
movzx eax,ah
bt dword ptr ss:_irqmode,eax
setc ss:cp_v86irqmode
pop eax
test byte ptr [esp+10],2
jnz short cp_irqv86
push ds es fs gs ; real mode IRQ from pmode
push cs
push offset cp_irqpd
mov ax,10h
mov ds,ax
mov al,18h
mov gs,ax
mov al,cp_v86irqnum
mov ebp,offset c_irqreal
movzx ebx,cp_v86irqmode
jmp cp_v86irqintr[ebx*4]
pop gs fs es ds
cp_irqv86: ; IRQ from V86, safe or norm redirect
cmp cs:cp_v86irqmode,0
jne short cp_irqv86s
pushad ; normal IRQ redirection
mov ax,18h
mov ds,ax
movzx edx,ss:cp_v86irqnum
jmp cp_v86int
cp_irqv86s: ; safe IRQ redirection
push cs
push offset cp_irqv86sd
mov ax,10h
mov ds,ax
mov al,18h
mov gs,ax
sub nextmodestack,STAKSAFE*16
mov al,cp_v86irqnum
mov ebp,offset c_irqreal
jmp cp_v86irqintr[4]
cp_irqv86sd: ; done with safe IRQ
add nextmodestack,STAKSAFE*16
; Custom get IRQ handler offset
; In:
; BL - IRQ num (0-0fh)
; Out:
; EDX - offset of IRQ handler
push ebx
movzx ebx,bl
mov bl,intslottbl[ebx]
cmp bl,13
je short cp_getirqvectf0
lea ebx,[ebx*8]
add ebx,cp_idt32ptr
mov dx,[ebx+6]
shl edx,16
mov dx,[ebx]
pop ebx
mov edx,cp_int13vect
jmp short cp_getirqvectd
; Custom set IRQ handler offset
; In:
; BL - IRQ num (0-0fh)
; EDX - offset of IRQ handler
push ebx
movzx ebx,bl
mov bl,intslottbl[ebx]
cmp bl,13
je short cp_setirqvectf0
lea ebx,[ebx*8]
add ebx,cp_idt32ptr
mov [ebx],dx
shr edx,16
mov [ebx+6],dx
pop ebx
mov cp_int13vect,edx
jmp short cp_setirqvectd
code32 ends
; End of program (must be at end of program or you will suffer)
codeend segment para stack use32 'stack'
db STAKLEN*16 dup(?)
codeend ends
end start16